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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fricking Perkins!

Us girls went again and has our final bad experience. And based off the managers reaction when I called her about it, I will NEVER go to any Perkins restaurant again! This is the letter I am sending to the editor of the GF Tribune about my experience: I could go on and on, but honestly if I make a book I don't think it'll ever have a chance of being published!

In today’s world of political correctness and social tolerances it is often forgotten that discrimination is real and can affect anyone at anytime in any environment.
Recently a group of my friends, I, and our children ranging from 3months to 4 years of age, patronized a local downtown franchise “family” restaurant for lunch but, we were served much more than that. We began our outing which was to be a polite gathering and socializing extravaganza with an exorbitantly long wait filled with dirty looks and impolite tones. After nearly 30 minutes of waiting we were escorted to our “area” nestled in the dark recesses of the restaurant not too unfamiliar to the catacombs of Europe. This particular location would seemingly ensure our children would not disturb the other presumably more profitable couples and groups of elderly patrons. We had no premonition that our arrangements were soon going from bad to worse. Right out of the gate our server addressed the table with an impatient “What do your kids want to drink?”. Throughout the rest of our dining experience we were served to few drink refills and a multitude of eye rolls, with the exception of one waitress who found it in her heart to gather some crackers for a child who was getting just a little impatient as we waited for our food. I’m pretty sure she will be canonized at some point.
After consuming our lunches and making sure that our table and floor messes were left to a minimum. We strolled out of the catacombs to the front of the restaurant to pay our respective tabs and to claim the “Bakery Fresh” cookies that are provided with the children’s meals. Eureka! Yet again we have found the same impatience and brash personalities at the front counter. At this point I was beyond frustrated, I had seen numerous other customers come, dine, and leave the establishment all the while being treated like guests at Martha Stewarts home while my group received the treatment you would expect Martha received in prison.
Now, I am not one who would normally complain about this type of service, but this wasn’t the first time it has happened at this particular restaurant. I even called to talk with a manager about the way we had been treated, who remembered who we were. I was told they were busy at the particular time we had come. Since when does being busy constitute being rude? I fully understand not all children are always on their very best behavior, however I would think after numerous visits to this restaurant without one breakdown, not one thrown fit, not even one mess on the floor we would be treated nicely since we have done our best to make their jobs easier. What more could the restaurant staff ask for than a table of well behaved children and well mannered mothers who pick up after their children messes ask for?
So now I wonder, Are children in restaurants found to be such a nuisance to staff and other patrons to the point that restaurants are placing them in designated areas? Will we hear the common phrase “Welcome to our restaurant. Do you prefer the children or non-children section?”?

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