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Monday, March 9, 2009

Seriously snow- GO AWAY

Ok, so I know I live in Montana and it snows here, but I am so done with it this year. I think maybe the month of negative numbers and ALL the dang snow we had this year just has made me tired of it. I want chirping birds and warm weather like I read on my friend Hallie's blog...maybe I miss Texas just a little (although I would never admit it before). If it's the only thing I miss about it, then I miss the warm weather in the late winter that enables you to be eating the food out of your garden by the time summer even rolls around. But, here I am in Montana with a snow covered garden, freezing my butt off. So BOO on Montana snow this year, maybe I'll like it more next year. But for now I'm just waiting (not very patiently) for spring to get here! Dear Old Man Winter, you deserve a LONG vacation. Please take it ASAP. C'mon spring already!

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