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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Where did all the nice people go?! Bring em' back

You know, I seriously am so very tired of rude people. Since when is it okay with employers to have their employees be so rude. What happened to the friendly country folk? Maybe aliens took them?! I mean, what the heck did I do to make someone have to be so rude?! Oh yeah, that's right probably nothing- my presence making them have to do something maybe had something to do with it. I am so tired of everywhere I go there has to be some person who is rude. Whether it be a worker, a customer, or just some random person on the street. I had a lady come up to us at McDonald's on Tuesday night (it was a cold night yes) and ask Winston "Where are your hat and gloves young man, don't your ears and hands get cold when it's so cold outside?" Seriously, is she implying that I'm a bad mom because he doesn't have a hat and gloves on? Maybe if she would have watched us when we walked in, she would have seen he had them on and we took them off and put them in my purse right when we walked in. I don't understand where people get off trying to make others look dumb. She looked dumb when I told her they were in my purse, because we'd taken them off upon arrival. Or how about those moms who mean mug at places such as open gym at gymnastics. What the heck is that for? They aren't any better than me, I pay just as much for my kid to be there each week as they do. Oh wait, I pay more because I pay the monthly rate of $180 for him to be there at preschool 3 days a week for 3 hours. I have just as much of a right to take my kid wherever I want to take him and pay for it as she does. Just because she's a doctors wife doesn't mean that those of us who aren't are below her...he husbands the doctor not her, maybe I should remind her of that!! Last but not least, how about diners (Perkins in my case) in which my moms group and I have been known to frequent after our library trips. They seriously give us the dirtiest look when we walk in there with all our kids. Yes, usually we are outnumbered 2:1 by the kids, but that doesn't mean we have bad kids. Our kids act the most behaved out of most kids I see now a days in restaurants. They don't yell, scream, throw food on the floor, etc. They act much older than expected in a restaurant, considering all of them are under 5! if they make a mess, we pick it up. That's how we do it in our group. We want a good reputation around town and want to be able to use facilities here without any problems. So, I think they should reconsider giving us a dirty look, because we sure could give them a reason to not like us coming there. I'm just so sick and tired of the rude people out there! My job can be SUPER stressful every single day I'm there, I never know what emergency or anything can walk through the door, but guess what even when I'm 150% stressed out I'm still nice- you even get a smile on my face! So my message to the world is quit being a bunch of assholes and be nicer- it can make a person's day go so much better!

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