Funky Flora background

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Parades are great

We had the annual St. Patricks Day parade in town today and I just loved it as usual. The bagpipers (my favorites) were first, they always make the parade so enjoyable. When in a parade I think either right in front of or behind them would be the very best place you could possibly be. Winston loves getting candy as well, although he doesn't get much because he only goes for one at a time. He has to open them and eat them before he goes for another one, and then they're all gone of course! I picked up a bunch of candy and put it in the hat he was wearing and brought it home. Then, he was saying trick-or-treat walking around with it here...maybe a little confused about holidays.

1 comment:

Hallie said...

I can't believe how big he's getting!