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Saturday, March 21, 2009

I'm too old for this I think

So, there I was at Hastings at Midnight last night eager to get my own copy of Twilight and I realized I think I might be a little old for this. But I don't care! Charli and I had our picture taken at the "prom" there and we made fun of quite a few teeny-boppers. We couldn't decide if it was better not to be them or not to be us "old" people at a young people thing. We think at the next movie release we'll even get dressed up and participate in the cotume contest (we definately will have had a few drinks by then though). We had fun though and that's all that matters. Matter of fact it was the best dang book I've read in a Loooooooooonnnnngg time, so I don't care. I am in love with a fictional character and I'm okay with that. I want to be a vampire when I grow up and I'm okay with that too. I even bought my own Twilight "TEAM EDWARD" shirt and I am going to a Twilight Pajama Party tonight. So it's official, I am a member of the cult known as Twilight and I'm pretty sure I'm a lifelong member too. I can't wait to watch the movie tonight (AGAIN) and I might even reread the series for the hell of it too. *TEAM EDWARD*

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