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Friday, April 3, 2009

My smartie pants kid

He's only 3.5 (as Grandpa Joe calls him) and he's just so dang smart. I can't believe he still has a year left until he goes to school! He LOVES, LOVES, LOVES preschool and quite frankly, so do I. I tried teaching him how to write and within just a few months he seemed to have things figured out at school. He has figured it out a little too much I think though, since I've found his name on the wall and also on the leather couch- YEAH! He tries to blame it on Tana, I can't imagine why I wouldn't believe her! He actually writes his name backwards sometimes too. I'm not really sure what thats all about, but it's a mirror image of what it should be! I scanned it, but it makes it look so photocopied! It's actually on yellow construction paper in pink marker.

He also knows his phone number and is so good at telling what it is. it's kind of a little scary cause he just tells people "i know my phone number!" and then rambles on what it is. That was a little harder to work on than his name, but he's got it down now! The alphabet was easy because I had bought him a V-Tech game that tells you to find the letter on the computer and what it is when you're looking for it, we also read the "Alphabet Zoo" book almost every night for like 2 months so he figured it out fast! Now he is singing his ABC's, misses a few letters here and there, but he's got ost of it down. It's just so dang cute. He also does the pledge of allegiance all the time, that one can get old-FAST! We just finally figured out it's indivisible and not invisible for the wording in it.

He tells me what little people can say and what big people can say. For example, little people can say "Oh pickles" and big people can say "Oh, Sh*t". It's absolutely funny when he tells me that. And the things he learns from me, like "Do you hear me" "Are you listening to me" and "Hey I'm talking to you"! I wish I had never ever said them! they come back to haunt me at the worst times, let me tell you!

We also like drawing people now. They are funny as heck too! this is the picture he drew of himself, he thinks it's just great!So that's just my little bragging rant I needed to go on, WOW- I just can't believe how time flies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Again, love it!! He is too funny!! I love that age!! Very smart boy. At least he's not a spoiled brat! Paul also told me that he says, "it's okay!" even if really it's not, LOL!!