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Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Program

Winston is still young enough for me to call it a Christmas Promgram and it not be "wrong" so I'm going to do it. For their program they showed us their skills they have learned in gymnastics, which they are learning things you don't normally do until 6 years of age at 3-4 years old. They are doing very well according to their gymnastics instructors, then they sang Silent Night along with the sign language they learned to it, Jingle Bells, and We Wish You a Merry Christmas. Lastly, they all recieved certificates of achievement and were so proud of themselves. It was a full house there watching so the videos have lots of background noise on them as well. I think everyone brought their extended, extended family to it (brothers of half brother, your uncles mom, etc-lol), but it was nice to see the kids put on a good show like they did.

1 comment:

Brian, Nicole, Ben, and Kaitlyn said...

This video is adorable! Ben kept wanting to watch it over and over :) Miss you and hope you have a Merry Christmas!