Funky Flora background

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday Snowday (complete with a crappy football game)

Well, it was warm enough today we could go out and make a snowman and a snow-fort/igloo. We had a great time building and playing in the snow together today. We had a snowball fight, created 2 snowmen, and made our big snowdrift into an igloo for Winston. It is complete with a flag and all (the one they put in the yard when they fertilize it lol). Afterwards, we came inside for a while. Paul and Winston watched TV until the game came on, while I went to a party at a friends house for the new YOUR SHAPE Wii game(which turns out to be pretty awesome!). Afterwards, I came home and we finished out the game. What a lousy outcome- what the heck was Aaron Rogers doing at the end there kicking that ball on the way down? Cost us the game 100%!! Oh well, next year huh? Anyhow, here's some pics of our fun before the depressing game!

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