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Monday, December 21, 2009

The Season for Giving

We had such a busy season of giving this year! The Mamas Group adopted a family from the YWCA here, the family was a mom and her 2 year old son is all. So basically with a group of 20+ women they scored pretty big. I think they got everything on their list and MORE! My mamas group is such a wonderful giving group of women and I am so happy they all pulled through to make it happen for this family! The picture attached on here is how many gifts we ended up with when I went and played Santa delivering them. I hope this helps them out in life and they are able to pay it forward in the future to someone else. Then we adopted a 3 year old boy off the St.Vincent tree at Winston's school as well. He wound up with some clothes and a few cars to play with. Winston's school gave their books from the month of December to some less fortunate kids in our community as well, the wrote little notes inside the books and sent them off to the kids. It has been really cute to see Winston understand the concept of giving to people in need this year! He wants to buy things at the store for kids who can't afford them now, so precious!

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