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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Holidays in Swing

Last night we had our Mamas Group Christmas Party here at the house and it was a blast as always with these girls. We had lots of yummy food, exchanged ornaments (in which I threatened to put mine down my pants to keep if from being stole!), and then we had fun opening door prize for everyone. We each put in $10 for the door prizes then I go out shopping in search of the deals of the century to make the gifts as awesome as possible, they ranged anywhere from $3-25 but you'd never know I only spent $3 total on any of the gifts we had. A few people brought great little gifts to share with everyone as well. I am so happy to have such a wonderful group of women to have fun and grow with both at our moms night out events and playgroups with our children. They are like family to me and for that I am thankful! With all that said, I'm definitely feeling in the Holiday Spirit now and can't wait to spread the joy of the holiday season to everyone else! HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON EVERYONE!

These are the cute snowman cheese ball and plates I made for the fun Christmas party. I just love em'!

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