Funky Flora background

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fricking Perkins!

Us girls went again and has our final bad experience. And based off the managers reaction when I called her about it, I will NEVER go to any Perkins restaurant again! This is the letter I am sending to the editor of the GF Tribune about my experience: I could go on and on, but honestly if I make a book I don't think it'll ever have a chance of being published!

In today’s world of political correctness and social tolerances it is often forgotten that discrimination is real and can affect anyone at anytime in any environment.
Recently a group of my friends, I, and our children ranging from 3months to 4 years of age, patronized a local downtown franchise “family” restaurant for lunch but, we were served much more than that. We began our outing which was to be a polite gathering and socializing extravaganza with an exorbitantly long wait filled with dirty looks and impolite tones. After nearly 30 minutes of waiting we were escorted to our “area” nestled in the dark recesses of the restaurant not too unfamiliar to the catacombs of Europe. This particular location would seemingly ensure our children would not disturb the other presumably more profitable couples and groups of elderly patrons. We had no premonition that our arrangements were soon going from bad to worse. Right out of the gate our server addressed the table with an impatient “What do your kids want to drink?”. Throughout the rest of our dining experience we were served to few drink refills and a multitude of eye rolls, with the exception of one waitress who found it in her heart to gather some crackers for a child who was getting just a little impatient as we waited for our food. I’m pretty sure she will be canonized at some point.
After consuming our lunches and making sure that our table and floor messes were left to a minimum. We strolled out of the catacombs to the front of the restaurant to pay our respective tabs and to claim the “Bakery Fresh” cookies that are provided with the children’s meals. Eureka! Yet again we have found the same impatience and brash personalities at the front counter. At this point I was beyond frustrated, I had seen numerous other customers come, dine, and leave the establishment all the while being treated like guests at Martha Stewarts home while my group received the treatment you would expect Martha received in prison.
Now, I am not one who would normally complain about this type of service, but this wasn’t the first time it has happened at this particular restaurant. I even called to talk with a manager about the way we had been treated, who remembered who we were. I was told they were busy at the particular time we had come. Since when does being busy constitute being rude? I fully understand not all children are always on their very best behavior, however I would think after numerous visits to this restaurant without one breakdown, not one thrown fit, not even one mess on the floor we would be treated nicely since we have done our best to make their jobs easier. What more could the restaurant staff ask for than a table of well behaved children and well mannered mothers who pick up after their children messes ask for?
So now I wonder, Are children in restaurants found to be such a nuisance to staff and other patrons to the point that restaurants are placing them in designated areas? Will we hear the common phrase “Welcome to our restaurant. Do you prefer the children or non-children section?”?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I'm too old for this I think

So, there I was at Hastings at Midnight last night eager to get my own copy of Twilight and I realized I think I might be a little old for this. But I don't care! Charli and I had our picture taken at the "prom" there and we made fun of quite a few teeny-boppers. We couldn't decide if it was better not to be them or not to be us "old" people at a young people thing. We think at the next movie release we'll even get dressed up and participate in the cotume contest (we definately will have had a few drinks by then though). We had fun though and that's all that matters. Matter of fact it was the best dang book I've read in a Loooooooooonnnnngg time, so I don't care. I am in love with a fictional character and I'm okay with that. I want to be a vampire when I grow up and I'm okay with that too. I even bought my own Twilight "TEAM EDWARD" shirt and I am going to a Twilight Pajama Party tonight. So it's official, I am a member of the cult known as Twilight and I'm pretty sure I'm a lifelong member too. I can't wait to watch the movie tonight (AGAIN) and I might even reread the series for the hell of it too. *TEAM EDWARD*

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Parades are great

We had the annual St. Patricks Day parade in town today and I just loved it as usual. The bagpipers (my favorites) were first, they always make the parade so enjoyable. When in a parade I think either right in front of or behind them would be the very best place you could possibly be. Winston loves getting candy as well, although he doesn't get much because he only goes for one at a time. He has to open them and eat them before he goes for another one, and then they're all gone of course! I picked up a bunch of candy and put it in the hat he was wearing and brought it home. Then, he was saying trick-or-treat walking around with it here...maybe a little confused about holidays.

Irish Blessing

This is my Irish Blessing to all of you this St. Patricks Day:

Wishing you a rainbow
For sunlight after showers—
Miles and miles of Irish smiles
For golden happy hours—
Shamrocks at your doorway
For luck and laughter too,
And a host of friends that never ends
Each day your whole life through!Align Left
And for those of you not wearing green, this is me pinching you........PINCH!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Where did all the nice people go?! Bring em' back

You know, I seriously am so very tired of rude people. Since when is it okay with employers to have their employees be so rude. What happened to the friendly country folk? Maybe aliens took them?! I mean, what the heck did I do to make someone have to be so rude?! Oh yeah, that's right probably nothing- my presence making them have to do something maybe had something to do with it. I am so tired of everywhere I go there has to be some person who is rude. Whether it be a worker, a customer, or just some random person on the street. I had a lady come up to us at McDonald's on Tuesday night (it was a cold night yes) and ask Winston "Where are your hat and gloves young man, don't your ears and hands get cold when it's so cold outside?" Seriously, is she implying that I'm a bad mom because he doesn't have a hat and gloves on? Maybe if she would have watched us when we walked in, she would have seen he had them on and we took them off and put them in my purse right when we walked in. I don't understand where people get off trying to make others look dumb. She looked dumb when I told her they were in my purse, because we'd taken them off upon arrival. Or how about those moms who mean mug at places such as open gym at gymnastics. What the heck is that for? They aren't any better than me, I pay just as much for my kid to be there each week as they do. Oh wait, I pay more because I pay the monthly rate of $180 for him to be there at preschool 3 days a week for 3 hours. I have just as much of a right to take my kid wherever I want to take him and pay for it as she does. Just because she's a doctors wife doesn't mean that those of us who aren't are below her...he husbands the doctor not her, maybe I should remind her of that!! Last but not least, how about diners (Perkins in my case) in which my moms group and I have been known to frequent after our library trips. They seriously give us the dirtiest look when we walk in there with all our kids. Yes, usually we are outnumbered 2:1 by the kids, but that doesn't mean we have bad kids. Our kids act the most behaved out of most kids I see now a days in restaurants. They don't yell, scream, throw food on the floor, etc. They act much older than expected in a restaurant, considering all of them are under 5! if they make a mess, we pick it up. That's how we do it in our group. We want a good reputation around town and want to be able to use facilities here without any problems. So, I think they should reconsider giving us a dirty look, because we sure could give them a reason to not like us coming there. I'm just so sick and tired of the rude people out there! My job can be SUPER stressful every single day I'm there, I never know what emergency or anything can walk through the door, but guess what even when I'm 150% stressed out I'm still nice- you even get a smile on my face! So my message to the world is quit being a bunch of assholes and be nicer- it can make a person's day go so much better!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Seriously snow- GO AWAY

Ok, so I know I live in Montana and it snows here, but I am so done with it this year. I think maybe the month of negative numbers and ALL the dang snow we had this year just has made me tired of it. I want chirping birds and warm weather like I read on my friend Hallie's blog...maybe I miss Texas just a little (although I would never admit it before). If it's the only thing I miss about it, then I miss the warm weather in the late winter that enables you to be eating the food out of your garden by the time summer even rolls around. But, here I am in Montana with a snow covered garden, freezing my butt off. So BOO on Montana snow this year, maybe I'll like it more next year. But for now I'm just waiting (not very patiently) for spring to get here! Dear Old Man Winter, you deserve a LONG vacation. Please take it ASAP. C'mon spring already!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Help me reach my goal!Sponsor Me at March for Babies!

My first blog- EVER

So a bunch of people I know are now blogging their lives on here and I really enjoy feeling like I can keep up with what's going on their lives although we live in different areas of the world. So, I talked to Paul about it last night and we decided we would start blogging to let our friends and family have the chance to do the same thing. I can't promise it's always going to be nice and woo-hoo about everything, but I can say you'll know what is going on. I myself am a very opinionated person and have an attitude to back it up, so there will more than likely be some of that coming through on here as well. Just want you to know what you are getting yourself into when you read this blog, although most whom know me should be aware of this. I'm looking forward to sharing our lives with you all and keeping up on my fellow bloggers lives out there as well!