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Monday, June 1, 2009

Graduation Day at School

Winston officially graduated from his first year of preschool last Thursday, with a tear rolling down my face. It was too dang cute and amazing to see how they've changed over the last 9 months. They each had their moment of fame with a solo act. Winston's being the abc's. Mind you Winston would not talk for over 3 months of the year, so he did really well in his speaking.

These videos are some examples of their daily activities they do there. Included are "Shaking the Sillies Out" and "Months of the Year"

Winston recieving his "diploma"

I am so proud of what a smart, sweet little boy he is. I am excied to have him back with me every morning and to myself for a little while. We always have a great time together, I cherish every moment we have together- my goodness do they grow up fast! I hope you all enjoy the fun videos and pictures attached as much as I enjoyed seeing them and then sharing them with Paul. I haven't blogged a ton lately, mainly because I've been so busy getting everything ready for school to be done and for our upcoming vacation this week. So, hopefully we'll be able to keep up on our vacation and share our fun times there!

1 comment:

Brian, Nicole, Ben, and Kaitlyn said...

How big of a dork am I... I'm getting emotional just looking at this because yes they do grow WAY to fast!