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Monday, June 29, 2009

Fishing Day

Yesterday was so beautiful outside, we decided to do a little fishing. We went out to Wadsworth Park (simply because it's a little more kid friendly than other places). They stock it up before the kids fishing day that was back the first weekend of June, so sometimes you can actually catch something. We did not wind up catching anything, but we had a good time messing around anyways. A lady next to us caught a really nice Rainbow Trout and another lady caught a Walleye that came by in her canoe, so there are fish to be caught.......just not by us!! It was so nice to not be couped up at home and just be outside. Winston has a blast too, except he gets a little mad when we don't actually catch anything! Oh well, I just love the days when we can go lounge around like that and enjoy the outdoors. I hope we can have a few more Sundays like that before the summer is over!

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