Funky Flora background

Monday, June 29, 2009

Fishing Day

Yesterday was so beautiful outside, we decided to do a little fishing. We went out to Wadsworth Park (simply because it's a little more kid friendly than other places). They stock it up before the kids fishing day that was back the first weekend of June, so sometimes you can actually catch something. We did not wind up catching anything, but we had a good time messing around anyways. A lady next to us caught a really nice Rainbow Trout and another lady caught a Walleye that came by in her canoe, so there are fish to be caught.......just not by us!! It was so nice to not be couped up at home and just be outside. Winston has a blast too, except he gets a little mad when we don't actually catch anything! Oh well, I just love the days when we can go lounge around like that and enjoy the outdoors. I hope we can have a few more Sundays like that before the summer is over!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Field Trip to Billie's house

My friend Carrie had wanted somewhere to take her kids to ride some horses that aren't nasty looking and treated like crap, so she called up Billie and planned an afternoon outing to her house. Winston, Paul, and I were invited to come on over as well, so we did. The kids had a blast riding the horses, although Winston wouldn't go a second time without Paul riding too (which he did). Then they got to see and feel the mini horse and mini donkey carrots. What a fun time that was, the kids were eating the carrots as well! Billie has a baby raccoon right now named "Olga" which we took our time passing around and checking her out. She sucks on fingers, which is too dang cute. (I had told Billie it was disgusting, but actually it's cute!!) Lastly we got to see Billie snake "Monty" We didn't hold him because he had eaten a bunch earlier and she wasn't 100% comfy with the kids holding him. They did have an awesome time out there though, it was like a zoo with cats, donkeys, horses, dogs, snakes, and raccoons! Thanks Billie and Connie for taking time out of your day to let the kiddos have fun at your place!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Goodbyes suck!

Today was a hard day for me...I had to say goodbye to a good friend. It made me think of when I had to say goodbye to the Lindals 2 years ago (another VERY hard day for me). Made me remember what the military life was like and I hated it, losing a friend is never fun. I know it's not really "losing" a friend, because they can still be my friend from a distance. But to have a friend move away just plain sucks. Nicole was the first person I really felt 100% comfortable with when the mamas took off and one of my confidants when I needed someone. She is one of the most generous, sweetest people I have ever met and am glad to have had her here with me, in my life for the last year and a half. Without Nicole the GF Mamas sure isn't going to feel the same for a while. I will miss seeing her and precious little Ben each week. So, THANK YOU Nicole for being such a wonderful friend and for helping make the GF Mamas what it is today. I wish you the very best of luck in all of lifes endeavors. I know we will keep in touch, and hey maybe I'll have to come to the east coast and see what it's all about. I hope you find/create a group that you will fit right into as well as you did with us- hey D.C. has to have much better things to do than po-dunk Great Falls! Love you and miss you already...and you're still here! Now I think I'll step away from this blog posting before I cry a little more!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What constitutes a friend?

So, clearly there are some people in my life who don't know what it means for you to be my friend. Yet, when they want something they sure as shit tell someone they're my friend. So, here's my list on how to be my friend:
  • Be someone who I can actually stand to be around
  • Be someone I know I can confide in and it not get around to the rest of the world
  • Hang out with me somewhere other than a function in which we have to be at (Girls Night Out, playgroup, work, family function, etc)
  • Give me a call every now and again (I know I suck at this too, but hey I work and try to manage a mommy and me group) I will eventually call you back
  • Don't criticize me having a drink (or 4) on the weekends (sorry my husband is cool about it and yours isn't)
  • Don't talk shit behind my back and think I won't find out
  • Invite me and my family to do things with you and your family
  • Miss me like I miss you! Keep in touch even if it's just via emails/facebook/myspace/blogger!

Basically, do as I do- be nice and have fun and don't use my name just to get yourself something. Don't say things that are hurtful just because you're jealous or don't like my lifestyle. It's my life, not yours. I don't criticize people and they way they live, so don't do it to me! You people know who you are and I just want you to know, it is very hurtful to me and I don't appreciate you being a BITCH.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day

To all the men out there who have taken me on like their own child when my father was gone, thank you for being there for me and being father-like to me! To my grandpa, my brother, my Papa Gordy, my brother in law, my father in law, the mamas Daddy's, and everyone out there I know who is a father! And to my husband who is the most wonderful father I could ask for my CHILD. Everyone kick back, have a beer, and know I am thinking about you. HAPPY FATHERS DAY! (The rocks are Paul's gift from Winston)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom

So today's the day my mother was brought into this world back in 1950! Next year is a big one and we're thinking Hawaii is a great way to celebrate it! (Not in June though she says maybe in November or something when it's cold out here!!) Anyhow, here's a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the woman who has always been a constant in my life, to the greatest woman I know, and the woman who I aspire to be just like someday (I already look just like her according to the family I saw over vacation!)- HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM. I love you more than you could ever imagine!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Welcome Summer Weather

So the day after preschool graduation, we decided to go to the spraypark for a little fun time. It was absolutely beautiful outside and we wanted to enjoy it while it's still free. We went at 11am and it was already well enough warm to be there. Winston had a blast spraying the other kids with the spray guns, finding bugs, and just playing around. What a wonderful way to start off summer vacation!!

Graduation Day at School

Winston officially graduated from his first year of preschool last Thursday, with a tear rolling down my face. It was too dang cute and amazing to see how they've changed over the last 9 months. They each had their moment of fame with a solo act. Winston's being the abc's. Mind you Winston would not talk for over 3 months of the year, so he did really well in his speaking.

These videos are some examples of their daily activities they do there. Included are "Shaking the Sillies Out" and "Months of the Year"

Winston recieving his "diploma"

I am so proud of what a smart, sweet little boy he is. I am excied to have him back with me every morning and to myself for a little while. We always have a great time together, I cherish every moment we have together- my goodness do they grow up fast! I hope you all enjoy the fun videos and pictures attached as much as I enjoyed seeing them and then sharing them with Paul. I haven't blogged a ton lately, mainly because I've been so busy getting everything ready for school to be done and for our upcoming vacation this week. So, hopefully we'll be able to keep up on our vacation and share our fun times there!

Daddy's Day at School

They did their dads day at school as I had said they would and boy did the have fun. They had BBQ sandwiches and deer antlers on the tables. It was so "manly" decorated and it was fun. The kids did a "My dad is super because poster" Winstons answer was "he plays with me and let's me watch cartoons." I am glad Paul got to experience the same thing I did and have some quality time at school with his little buddy!