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Thursday, April 22, 2010

It's a girl!

Well, we finally had the professional ultrasound done today and it confirmed our unprofessional opinion. YEP, it's a girl- so WOO HOO! Of course I am not technology smart so I cannot get the movie to save to the computer...Paul will have to do that. For now I will share an ultrasound picture in which she is being an acrobat. The video has her just tumbling and tumbling around, hope hopefully I'll be able to share that with you soon too. Thanks for all the pink thoughts guys rock!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Kelle, Paul & Winston you are getting the GIRL you had hoped for. Now I guess I can look for Pink Baby clothes and not have you put them on a Boy. My prayers are with you to have a healthy baby.
Love Ya All!
Grandma Theresa