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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Soccer Season Again

It's that time of the year- SPRING SOCCER! Yeah! And we have Coach Paul teaching us all about it this year. We had our first game on Sunday and had our butts handed to us, not that anyone besides us parents are keeping score of course. They had like 20 goals and we had like 0, seriously. Our kids were just running around like "whatever- do whatever you want, we don't care" It was rather amusing seeing them just running around without a care in the world, it was only cold and windy outside. At least we missed the snow though-that was during the 3o'clock games and ours wasn't until 5 thank goodness. Found out our kids have ALOT of work to do if they plan to ever make a goal at a game this season though. Lots to practice on Thursday nights!

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