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Monday, May 10, 2010

"Are You My Mother?"

Winston's class did the play "Are You My Mother?" today at school and will be doing it at the retirement center on Thursday again. It was so cute and they worked VERY hard on it. I recorded the whole play, so it does take about 10 minutes to watch for those who are interested in watching. Winston is the "snort" which is the furthest character on the right (the hero of course) he is wearing a box and a hard hat and isn't a part of it until the end. A few of his friends from playgroup are in it as well for those who know them. Addy is the baby bird (main character) and Keenan is the airplane (next to Winston). Paul's bosses daughter is the narrator who tells the story as well, so it's kind of fun to share with all who may know these guys as well. Just wanted to share how cute the kids can be. ENJOY!! I hope as much as I did.

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