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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mothers Day Breakfast at Preschool

Today was the Mothers Day breakfast at Winston's preschool. It was so much fun and SO dang cute. They sang "You are My Sunshine" first, then they served us breakfast. When I say served us breakfast, I mean the kids delivered it on a platter to each mom. It was grapes, watermelon, and a blueberry muffin-they had the same only their muffin was smaller than the moms. Each mom had a placemat with their children's hand print on it as well. There was a list of what each child says to the phrase "My mom is special because"....Winstons said "She helps me take a shower" LOL. Then they sang the sond "I Love Mommy" from the video above. Winston is in the yellow shirt on the end. Lastly, they gave us these cute little cards they had made and a planted flower in a container they had painted. It was so cute, yet it made me want to cry because I realized he's not a little boy anymore and more like a BIG boy. He's such a sweetie and I couldn't have asked for a better little boy.

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