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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

First Time Home Buyers

Well, Paul and I took the leap to be first time home buyers. We made an offer on Monday night and the sellers accepted by Tuesday morning. Holy Cow has it been a whirlwind since then! LOTS of paperwork to do. We are set to close on Oct 14th as long as everything works out with inspections, appraisals and such. So we'll keep you all posted, just wanted to share our good news!! If you want to see more pictures, it is listed under Coldwell Banker here in Great Falls and the MLS # is 09-1920.


Kimmi said...


Anonymous said...

Looks awesome Kelle! I meant to ask you last Friday about it but spaced. Thought I'd hop on your blog tonight and see if you wrote about it. Hope everything goes well with the inspection, etc.

Sarah C