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Saturday, August 15, 2009

High Heel A Thon video and results

So I booked it for the babies and got 2nd place. I just could NOT get past the lady in front of me, she was fast! I had my heels duct taped on a ran as fast as I possibly could. What a marvelous idea that was, thanks to Corie! The event raised over $2000 and there were only 15 participants, so I think that's pretty good for the first year. I included the video Paul took, I am the closest one on the left with pink pants on (next after that is Charli, Sam, and Tori all in a row). It was fun, but I aspire to kick that lady's butt next year!!

1 comment:

Carol Brunelli said...

Congratulations to all the sassy, classy runners who made this race a huge success. You are part of a global community of people - women and men - who are having fun while fundraising for a great cause.

Go stilettos runners, go!

Carol Brunelli, co-author, Climbing Mountains in Stilettos: Not Your Average Trail Guide to Success