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Friday, May 15, 2009

Bad Day Thursday *warning graphic descriptions*

So yesterday I was just overall having a bad day. It started off with me questioning friendships in my life, Mamas group drama AGAIN. It's amazing how people Can be the way they are and just be okay with themselves you know. I can't imagine hurting people on a daily basis and not even flinching at it. Or tell me it hurts your/someone Else's feelings when you're not being invited to something that I didn't plan and then you don't invite me to your something, but tell me about it. THAT"S PLAIN @$$ rude! But I guess that's not how I roll, I'm a people pleaser and always try to make others happy. Anyways, that's my rant about how my day started off. Then, the washing machine quit working, which was not good since Winston had an accident on Tuesday night in his bed and then Wednesday night in ours. So, I had to 2 beds worth of bedding, all my towels, plus my week of laundry to do still. UGH! I loaded it all up and went to the laundromat, what a chore that was and man was it expensive! $25 it cost me to wash and dry all my laundry. On the plus side, I love the smell of fresh laundry so I was in HEAVEN when it came to the smell of the place. I did get some work done while waiting, but it's just not convenient to go to the laundromat. Finally, I decided to go work on some of my reminders at work because I do need to get ahead before we go to Wisconsin at the beginning of June. I was there for 3.5 hours when I found out they were going to put a horse down and we needed to remove it's brain for testing. Now, this is when my day gets better because I love to watch these kinds of things ans see things I have never/rarely seen before. It was a very sad situation, but a neat thing to see (of course I wouldn't want this to happen if it wasn't necessary). I came home and got Paul (Winston stayed with Grandpa Joe) and we went up to watch, which turned into us helping. The horse wound up passing away on its own and man was it stuck in it's stall. Thank goodness Paul was here to help, otherwise it would have been us 3 girls and 1 doctor. He did an awesome job helping and after a long while and many different trys/angles used we got the horse out. Then came the fun part, we had to remove the horses head, take it into the clinic and then remove the brain. Now, removing a brain is not very easy, the body's structure is absolutely amazing. The skull around the brain is VERY strong and we literally had to saw to get it apart. At about 9:30ish we finally got him open and got the brain out, but it was a fun experience for both Paul and myself. I'm glad we went up and be able to see that again. I've seen it twice now and thought both times it was exhilarating. Oh yeah- when I say we in all of that I don't mean me, I grabbed tools and watch mainly, everyone else did the actual work. Then, I got to come home and watch my DVR'd Grey's Anatomy which just left me wondering if they die or not. What a heart wrenchingly sad ending for Izzy and George if they die! Oh well, now I have something to look forward to in the fall I guess. So, that was my bad day yesterday and I hope the weekend winds up being a fun, drama-free, heartwrenching-free, laundry-free time.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Thank YOU for all of your support

Well, we had our March for Babies walk on Saturday and our final amount raised as a team was....drum roll please......$1282! We did awesome AGAIN this year. I am do thankful to all my mamas who helped me out. We were a team of 11 and 9 of us showed up to walk, the other 2 have an excuse though- 1 was in the hospital because she had her baby on Saturday morning (Congrats Sarah!) and the other is down in Alabama with her hubby who is in the military (missed you Lins). Anyhow, it wound up being a beautiful day on Saturday (meaning no wind!) and we had a great time walking 4 miles in support of babies/mamas everywhere! The Great Falls area raised over $36,000 alone, go Great Falls! Anyhow, I just wanted to tell you all THANK YOU for your support. I appreciate all everyone does to help me in my fundraising events- whether it be a monetary donation, helping prepare for an event, or even just cheering me on. I have the greatest support system anyone could ever ask for.......without you it wouldn't be possible. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mothers Day Breakfast at Preschool

Today was the Mothers Day breakfast at Winston's preschool. It was so much fun and SO dang cute. They sang "You are My Sunshine" first, then they served us breakfast. When I say served us breakfast, I mean the kids delivered it on a platter to each mom. It was grapes, watermelon, and a blueberry muffin-they had the same only their muffin was smaller than the moms. Each mom had a placemat with their children's hand print on it as well. There was a list of what each child says to the phrase "My mom is special because"....Winstons said "She helps me take a shower" LOL. Then they sang the sond "I Love Mommy" from the video above. Winston is in the yellow shirt on the end. Lastly, they gave us these cute little cards they had made and a planted flower in a container they had painted. It was so cute, yet it made me want to cry because I realized he's not a little boy anymore and more like a BIG boy. He's such a sweetie and I couldn't have asked for a better little boy.