Funky Flora background

Friday, December 3, 2010

Help Spread Holiday Cheer

Please help to spread holiday cheer this year to our many heroes. When filling out your Christmas Cards, please make sure an address a couple to :
Holiday Mail for Heroes
PO Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD 20791-5456.
These go out to wounded soldiers, soldiers serving our country, and our veterans and their families. They need to be recieved by December 10, 2010.

visit the snopes website for more information on what you can/cannot send!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Finally updating

Well, we welcomed baby Florabelle into the world on August 31st, 2010 weighing 7lb 6oz. She is a healthy little girl and we have no complaints about her thus far. She sleeps good, eats good, and poops good. She does like to be held a bit more than Winston did, but overall it's more cuddly time for us then! Here are some pics that have been taken by us and also at Inspire Portraits here in GF, MT.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Kids Bedroom

Well, I have had requests for pics of the kids room and here they are. They are sharing a room for now and their room is for sleeping only- they do have a playroom upstairs not to mention a loft above their bedroom to play as well- so it looks cramped, but really it's fine for 2 small children to just sleep in. Flora has the old crib and dresser that were used starting with my mother (60 years old) and all the beautiful purple butterfly bedding my mom bought. They rug is "monster fur" feeling as I call it- very soft.

Winston's side is all new Toy Story Themed like he wanted it. I made some curtains to match and found a great rug at Target for $5 (that was 75% off!!). He also got the new bed with drawers underneath it, so the dresser is built right in/

So they both have new and I think it worked well with the green walls that were already in there. Now, we just need to second child to get here to be able to put it all to use!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Mom's 60th birthday bash

It was Ken's 42nd as well. We had a small BBQ at the house. We BBQ'd LOTS of food, had a firepit, and overall just had a good time. Special thanks to Charli for making moms cake, it was wonderful as always! And mom made Ken's penuche frosting cake (that he wouldn't share- jerk!). Anyhow, thought I'd share the pics with you all.

Baby Shower Fun

(Tori, Sam, Myself, Billie, and Charli)
My friends threw me a baby shower a few weeks ago and it was SO wonderful! (My computer has been on the fritz, so posting about it has been hard). My friend Samantha flew up from San Antonio, TX and threw the shower along with Tori, Charli, and Billie. It was wonderful...we had great food, games, and door prizes for all. Nobody walked away without something, including my hostesses. I made out like a bandit and it was all great! Even with 30 guests, I didn't get doubles of anything. Wierd! So, thank you to all who made this possible, all who came, and all who couldn't be there as well. It was beautiful and I love you guys!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

32 week photo

This is the 32 week ultrasound pic I had done on Tuesday. We were rechecking some cysts they had seen on her head back at the 20 week appointment. Thankfully they are nearly gone and we can not worry about them. They caught this good one of her face though. Her chubby little cheeks are just too darn cute to me. Her eye is open as well and she's looking around then. She measured about 4.5 pounds and her heart rate was 141bpm. It was fun to see the heart and I had someone training doing my ultrasounds, so it was neat to get to see everything extra long. I cannot wait to meet her! Time is ticking away!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

"Are You My Mother?"

Winston's class did the play "Are You My Mother?" today at school and will be doing it at the retirement center on Thursday again. It was so cute and they worked VERY hard on it. I recorded the whole play, so it does take about 10 minutes to watch for those who are interested in watching. Winston is the "snort" which is the furthest character on the right (the hero of course) he is wearing a box and a hard hat and isn't a part of it until the end. A few of his friends from playgroup are in it as well for those who know them. Addy is the baby bird (main character) and Keenan is the airplane (next to Winston). Paul's bosses daughter is the narrator who tells the story as well, so it's kind of fun to share with all who may know these guys as well. Just wanted to share how cute the kids can be. ENJOY!! I hope as much as I did.