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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Baby Shower Fun

(Tori, Sam, Myself, Billie, and Charli)
My friends threw me a baby shower a few weeks ago and it was SO wonderful! (My computer has been on the fritz, so posting about it has been hard). My friend Samantha flew up from San Antonio, TX and threw the shower along with Tori, Charli, and Billie. It was wonderful...we had great food, games, and door prizes for all. Nobody walked away without something, including my hostesses. I made out like a bandit and it was all great! Even with 30 guests, I didn't get doubles of anything. Wierd! So, thank you to all who made this possible, all who came, and all who couldn't be there as well. It was beautiful and I love you guys!

1 comment:

Hallie said...

OOOk I so wish I could have been there!!!