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Thursday, April 22, 2010

It's a girl!

Well, we finally had the professional ultrasound done today and it confirmed our unprofessional opinion. YEP, it's a girl- so WOO HOO! Of course I am not technology smart so I cannot get the movie to save to the computer...Paul will have to do that. For now I will share an ultrasound picture in which she is being an acrobat. The video has her just tumbling and tumbling around, hope hopefully I'll be able to share that with you soon too. Thanks for all the pink thoughts guys rock!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Soccer Season Again

It's that time of the year- SPRING SOCCER! Yeah! And we have Coach Paul teaching us all about it this year. We had our first game on Sunday and had our butts handed to us, not that anyone besides us parents are keeping score of course. They had like 20 goals and we had like 0, seriously. Our kids were just running around like "whatever- do whatever you want, we don't care" It was rather amusing seeing them just running around without a care in the world, it was only cold and windy outside. At least we missed the snow though-that was during the 3o'clock games and ours wasn't until 5 thank goodness. Found out our kids have ALOT of work to do if they plan to ever make a goal at a game this season though. Lots to practice on Thursday nights!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Busy Easter Weekend

We had such a fun and busy Easter weekend! On Saturday we picked up Tana and Kendra and went to Home Depot to make their butterfly house (they both did really well), then we went to the circus- where Paul and Winston both had their first ride on an elephant, then off to Grandma's house for an egg hunt followed by some playing of course, then we took the kids home and came home ourselves to get cleaning for a small Easter dinner at our house. Paul and Joe also moved the swingset over to our yard on Saturday while the kids were playing inside at grandma's house. Then Sunday was Easter brunch, yardwork, playing, and Easter dinner of course. We had a smoked ham that was REALLY yummy thanks to Paul. Mom, Joe, Emma, Brooks, and us 3 made for a wonderful little dinner. Now it's Monday and the week has started again and I honestly am glad-i was so worn out from going going going this weekend!