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Monday, February 1, 2010

New Addition Coming

Well, here's the announcement quite a few people have asked about over the years. We're expecting. I haven't made it through the first trimester yet, but I can't just keep it to myself this time. I get so busy in life and slip up in conversations and typing. I went to the doctor today and they predicted me to be 8 weeks and 4 days along as of today. This is putting me due Sept 9-12. I will be having a c-section again and it will be a week before those dates, of course we won't plan for that until it gets a little closer first. The baby's heartbeat was 171 today, in the ultrasound the baby is the little white spot on the small black area. Anyhow, THINK PINK people because I want this to be the last time I have to go through pregnancy!


Hallie said...

I am thinking pink!!! Oh the things I could make her!!! Will you find out ahead of time? I am just giddy excited for you guys!!!!!

Brian, Nicole, Ben, and Kaitlyn said...

Congrats! I'm so excited for you and hope for aneventful and easy pregnancy!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kelle, Paul and Winston on the expected addition to the family. Grandpa and I are planning on coming to Montana this year. Question for you guys is before or after the new arrival. Then again I could probably do both; I don't know how that Grandpa feels about that. Love Ya All!
Grandma Theresa

Gucci Mama said...

Congratulations! Thinking pink over here!