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Friday, January 29, 2010

Giveaways Galore

Check out this amazing website giving away a bunch of wonderful, neat items daily. They are absolutely awesome and there are so many that would be wonderful to win. So go check it out and see what you could win too!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday Snowday (complete with a crappy football game)

Well, it was warm enough today we could go out and make a snowman and a snow-fort/igloo. We had a great time building and playing in the snow together today. We had a snowball fight, created 2 snowmen, and made our big snowdrift into an igloo for Winston. It is complete with a flag and all (the one they put in the yard when they fertilize it lol). Afterwards, we came inside for a while. Paul and Winston watched TV until the game came on, while I went to a party at a friends house for the new YOUR SHAPE Wii game(which turns out to be pretty awesome!). Afterwards, I came home and we finished out the game. What a lousy outcome- what the heck was Aaron Rogers doing at the end there kicking that ball on the way down? Cost us the game 100%!! Oh well, next year huh? Anyhow, here's some pics of our fun before the depressing game!