Funky Flora background

Monday, September 28, 2009


Well, Winston had his 3rd soccer game yesterday and I actually got a cute action shot, so I thought I would share. h thinks soccer is fun, although after about 5 minutes on the field he is tripping and falling and laying on the ground because he's wiped out. It's rather comical though to watch. Being the people watcher he is, he sits back and watches what the rest of the team is doing and goes from there. If he thinks it's okay he joins in, if not then he goes about doing whatever he feels like doing (picking his fingers, laying on the field, staring off into space). Anyhow, thought I'd share with you osme pictures here. Oh yeah, and here's the face he makes when he's very serious about it. :) LOL

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

First Time Home Buyers

Well, Paul and I took the leap to be first time home buyers. We made an offer on Monday night and the sellers accepted by Tuesday morning. Holy Cow has it been a whirlwind since then! LOTS of paperwork to do. We are set to close on Oct 14th as long as everything works out with inspections, appraisals and such. So we'll keep you all posted, just wanted to share our good news!! If you want to see more pictures, it is listed under Coldwell Banker here in Great Falls and the MLS # is 09-1920.