Funky Flora background

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Kids Bedroom

Well, I have had requests for pics of the kids room and here they are. They are sharing a room for now and their room is for sleeping only- they do have a playroom upstairs not to mention a loft above their bedroom to play as well- so it looks cramped, but really it's fine for 2 small children to just sleep in. Flora has the old crib and dresser that were used starting with my mother (60 years old) and all the beautiful purple butterfly bedding my mom bought. They rug is "monster fur" feeling as I call it- very soft.

Winston's side is all new Toy Story Themed like he wanted it. I made some curtains to match and found a great rug at Target for $5 (that was 75% off!!). He also got the new bed with drawers underneath it, so the dresser is built right in/

So they both have new and I think it worked well with the green walls that were already in there. Now, we just need to second child to get here to be able to put it all to use!!