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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Last Ultrasound Pics

Here's the last ultrasound picture I had taken March 2nd. The baby was SO active...kicking and punching the whole time! Holy buckets, I can't imagine it being like that when I can actually feel it. Paul's been calling it Sugar Ray for now, but we need to come up with a girl boxer name instead...jeez what's he thinking? Hopefully at the end of the month, beginning of April we'll know what the baby is. HOPEFULLY! We actually call it "finding out what kind of puppy it is", since we're going to play around at my work (at the vet clinic) with the ultrasound machine and see what we can see. Then I'll go to a professional and make sure we know for sure! Until then, this is what I've got for looking at. I've still been really sick for the last few days, after a few weeks of feeling better. Now I have a head cold and a toothache on top of it. I'm telling you, this pregnancy has not been any form of fun yet! So let's hope for feeling better and PINK thoughts everyone, PINK thoughts!

We've been doing lots of tours!

First we toured the local bakery "Great Harvest Bread" where the kids learned all about wheat and what it's used for. Did you know it was used to make licorice? I didn't. Anyhow, they made their own loaf of cinnamon bread, rolling it out and putting it on the pan and all, then we came back 2 hours later to pick it up. It was such a yummy snack when Winston got home from school.

Next was our local Papa John's Pizza, where we made our own pizzas- they were huge (8 slices each)! Winston and I made our half and half and it sure turned out yummy. It was a great lunch to have before heading to school and daddy sure appreciated us bringing it to him for lunch too.

Catching Up- this ones from January

Here are some photos of Winston at his gymnastics competition he was in back in January called "The Rootbeer Cup" (note how high he was when he was hanging upside down on the rings-it'll scare the heck out of you!) He had a blast though and loves loves loves his medal he recieved for it.