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Monday, February 1, 2010

New Addition Coming

Well, here's the announcement quite a few people have asked about over the years. We're expecting. I haven't made it through the first trimester yet, but I can't just keep it to myself this time. I get so busy in life and slip up in conversations and typing. I went to the doctor today and they predicted me to be 8 weeks and 4 days along as of today. This is putting me due Sept 9-12. I will be having a c-section again and it will be a week before those dates, of course we won't plan for that until it gets a little closer first. The baby's heartbeat was 171 today, in the ultrasound the baby is the little white spot on the small black area. Anyhow, THINK PINK people because I want this to be the last time I have to go through pregnancy!