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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween Happenings

Today was Winston's Halloween Party at school, so I thought I'd share a few pics from the fun we had. They went on their own personal parade around the block and waved at cars, had a visit from Happy the clown, then had a snack, and finished off with a few songs. He made the cutest pumpkin to bring home and put outside too. It was a blast! The pics are Winston's 2 pumpkins, the parade they had, and the cutest snack another mom made and brought that is even healthy!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Pumpkin Fun

Well, today we made it out to the Pumpkin Patch and it was a blast as always. We went on a hayride, tracked our way through the maze and found a couple of pumpkins to go home with us. Winston picked a white one to take for his school project and a big Orange one for his Pirate Pumpkin kit(THANK YOU BECKI!). We had such a good time. It was a chilly day here (20 degrees), but it was sunny and not windy for the first time in a week. It was absolutely the perfect day for a fall Pumpkin Patch visit.